DigITalization strategy rolled out.

Our client already had an IT strategy, of course. Nevertheless, with his new medium-term IT digitalisation strategy, he can now effectively translate the international corporate strategy into operational excellence and scalable technology.
It all starts with overarching strategic principles: How to collaborate with the business departments and take their requirements into account? How are processes harmonised across the company? How are data centralised in a ‘single source of truth’?
The next step is architecture & technology: Does ‘Enterprise Architecture Management’ ensure a sustainable connection between corporate strategy, organizational structure and technology?
How is IT governance organized in a lean and efficient manner?
This results in a digital target picture and the corresponding system landscape: we favour the triad of digital customer platform, digital ‘machine room’ and corporate IT services. The ‘best-of-suite’ approach facilitates the creation of a homogeneous digital platform.
A key component of the strategy is a transformation programme: In a strategic ‘Operating Model’ project, we map the business model in a functional organisational structure and clearly defined products and services. Customer platform, machine room and corporate IT also all form a part of the holistic programme.
It all comes down to implementation: The digITalization strategy is successfully implemented from within, across all divisions and in small, agile steps.