Roles sharpened.

The importance of organizational structure for a company’s success is often underestimated: despite detailed manuals and complex process descriptions are in place, day-to-day work often feels tedious and inefficient.
That’s why we started by closely reviewing our client’s business model: Is it truly customer-centric? Does it effectively serve all target groups and markets? Are the provided services seamless and scalable?
Based on this, we introduced a functional organization along the value chain. This has led to clear and well-defined roles. Everyone benefits from this sharpening – employees understand their tasks better and customers receive consistent, high-quality services. Leistungen.
In addition, the hierarchy has been reduced by 1 level, all services have been bundled into just 1 functionally professionalized area each and provided on a company-wide basis.
The result: a more efficient and agile way of working with transparent roles that meet internal and external needs and ensure sustainable success.